Papers and Publications by (and about) Anna-Maria Hefele

Voice source, formant frequencies and vocal tract shape in overtone singing. A case study by Johan Sundberg, Björn Lindblom & Anna-Maria Hefele, published in Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 2021.

One Singer, Two Voices – Johan Sundberg, Björn Lindblom, and Anna-Maria Hefele – published in Acoustics Today, 2021

Polyphonic Overtone Singing: an acoustic and physiological (MRI) analysis and a first-person description of a unique mode of singing written by Anna-Maria Hefele, Robert Eklund, Anita Mc Allister, 2019. Link to official publication >>HERE<<

Obertongesang- eine besondere Stimmtechnik als Kunstform. Veröffentlicht in: Vox Humana, 01/2017, geschrieben von Anna-Maria Hefele

Western Techniques of Overtone Singing and their Application in Classically Notated Music
Published in: International Choral Bulletin, 01/2015, written by Anna-Maria Hefele

Westliche Obertongesangstechnik und ihre Anwendung in der klassisch notierten Musik.
Veröffentlicht in: International Choral Bulletin, 1/2015, geschrieben von Anna-Maria Hefele

Eine neue Dimension für die Stimme geschrieben von Eva Runkel, veröffentlicht in der Süddeutschen Zeitung, 19.10.2018

Voice Range Table of Anna-Maria Hefele’s Overtone Singing. Green notes work well, red ones are impossible, orange notes could work, but won’t sound good.

Papers, Publications, Websites and Downloads by Colleagues

Many, very valuable Resources about Overtone Singing are available on Wolfgang Saus’ Webpage!

Sheetmusic: Arrangements for Polyphonic Overtone Singing for female voices (singable by male voices as well) by Beate Eckert and Barbara Lübben. The collection contains well-known folk songs, that can be sung over two or three fundamental notes. The book is available for free download: >>HERE<<

Spectrum Analyzer Software: The software I’m using to make sound visible is called Overtone Analyzer and is programmed by Bodo Maass, it can be tested and downloaded at:

A simple Spectrum Analyzer that works right away in your browser where you can experiment, can be found here:

Very interesting is the DVD “The Voice”, made by the Institute For Musician’s Medicine, where I participated as overtone singer for MRI recordings. Published at Helbling in 2017; available >>HERE<<

Overtone focusing in biphonic tuvan throat singing written by Christopher Bergevin & Associates, 2020.
Link to official publication >>HERE<<

Speech Biomechanics: Shaping new sounds. This is an introduction article to: “Overtone focusing in biphonic tuvan throat singing”; written by Timothy D Griffiths & Associates. Link to the official publication >>HERE<<